Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chapter 6: Social Context of Schools

"Pick a group from the chapter (students of a certain race, socio-economic status, physical stature, sexual orientation, social group, gender, etc.) that might be the target of such abuse and develop a plan for confronting it in your classroom" (Theresa Overall,

As we all know, there is a lot of verbal and physical harassment and assault that take place in school and outside of school.  I was asked to do an assignment, as it shows above. I didn't do the assignment as it's segregation which is a style of bullying so I felt that this homework assignment was unjust as it's asking us to bully and bring a group of people out in class. Could this be a good way to bring out differences? It's possible, however you're already putting a touchy subject and bringing it right out in front of your class and maybe even providing more harm than what good could possible come out of it.  Just because you're students are aware or have become informed from this class lesson about this group of people, doesn't mean that the same behavior wont happen.
I have personally been to two challenge days, while we all came "out of the dark" parse, the subjective bullying didn't end, yes for that brief period of two days while people get over the shock of it all then life continues as it normally did with the same end result of harassment and abuse.
I am the role model of the class being the teacher, correct? How is bringing out and segregating one group of students being the role model, showing all the problems of the group and how you shouldn't be attacking them, isn't that in the end feeding the flame?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chapter 14: Succeeding in Your Teacher Education Program--and Beyond

My personal concerns as I work into my major which in the end makes it so I'll be able to put the bread on the table.  They are: wages (Teaching is one of the lowest paid degree professions), assessments determine wage instead of years teaching, being accused of something (such as sexual assault or harassment towards a teenager).  These are the concerns that I have going into the field as there are people out there that want to destroy you for their own benefit.

Which area of concern is most present?

I don't feel that my concerns reflect any of these, it's what I want to do I'm concerned about the factors that will impact me and what I'll have to do in order to make it so my students can trust myself and succeed through the filter that the Government provides.

Which Stage(s) of Concern was most present?

If anything I'm at a 0 with Unconcerned, I'm not worried this is what I want to do I know how to do it. I'm not afraid nor will be timid around my students and the planning I have to do for them.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 13: Improving Teachers and Schools, and School Reform

Things that I'd like to acquire to enhance my resume for employment, an internship such as the one that is covered in Practicum. A minor degree from University of Maine at Farmington to demonstrate better strength in my field.  More job experiences to show ability to work with others and show customer service which can be applied to better work ability with my students.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 7: Thinking about Teaching and Learning

In The Joy of Teaching  by Gene Hall, she mentions the idealism of  Metaphysics, Epistemology, Axiology.  "Metaphysics is concerned with questions about nature of reality and humans' attempts to find coherence in the realm of thought and experience... Epistemology examines questions about how and what we know and how knowing takes place... Axiology branch of philosophy deals with questions concerning the nature of values." (Hall, 2008) I feel that these are great to incorporate in your teaching philosophy but, at the same time what is the point of them?  As education is repetitious echoes that keep extending farther and farther, why would we need to know the concept of others nature of values, how knowing takes place, and thought and experience?  As the gain of knowing is from outcomes, if you stick your hand into a toaster you'll know not to do it again, values are caused by outcomes also as well as experiences.  They are crucial because without us teachers considering and taking them into account.  How can we effectively teach them to their fullest potential?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 5: The History of Schools in the United States

Today public school is open to everyone: religious background, ethnicity, social status..  Our nation did not start out this way however, during the 1700s schooling was for the elites and no one else.   As life in the United States kept rolling on through, ideology changed towards education when the turn of the century happened everyone in the 1800s came to the notion that all must be educated to x extent in order for their well being.  In comparison, we have also segregation in the education system going by age now, as to the one room school house of the day.  We can blame psychology for this, as information has been proven that certain ages only have mental capacity instead of everyone being an adult mentally while not fully grown physically.  While schools became public, head-start wasn't for the public until the Johnson administration with his domestic policy of Great Society.
There has been many debates on schools and the education of students.  Even to the beginning of the United States, where nothing in the Constitution truly brings up whose role it is to financially distribute funding towards education (federal or state).  There was and still is debate on when children should start receiving education, which in today's age the earlier the better.  The idea that teachers should get paid on performance of their students academic test scores, is now starting to be enforced around the United States.

Which theories and historical influences should most impact the schools we'd like to have?

I would like us to cover over this topic in class before the end of the coming quarter. I have no clue, nor do I feel I am capable of answering this question as is from opinion or knowledge gained from Joys of Teaching or the EDU 101 class I currently am in.

How can diversity in the classroom help me be a better teacher?

We have yet to cover why diversity in a classroom would help improve us as teachers. However, I do feel if there is a diverse group, your teaching will be less biased so your teaching is less opinionated than relative fact.